Thursday, July 17, 2008

Blue Lake 274

Our trip to Peoria was a gardening inspiration. Ann's beautiful veggies and herbs made us want some!
So, in the last remaining open space...we planted some green beans.

Blue Lake 274

This spot had a sad looking crabapple tree which resembled the the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Plus, it forced all the Perennials to grow out, instead of up.

So, until the 1st frost...this is the new green bean garden. 3-6 days until seedlings appear & 55 days to harvest. The 1st weekend in September will hopefully bring a bountiful harvest of beans!!

Kitty Cat Doctor

The highlight of our day...taking Sam to the vet. (aka Kitty Cat Doctor)
Samantha has some sort of autoimmune/allergic reaction to various things. Sometimes her lip swells up and sometimes her belly gets very itchy. She licks it until she has sores, so off to the vet...

She gets a shot of Depo-Medrol, a corticosteroid which calms her immune response. It works well, giving immediate relief within 12-24 hrs and lasts for 30-60 days.

The vet gave Devin a small kitty stuffed animal, which she refused to let go of all morning.

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