Saturday, September 17, 2011

Baby Steps

We all agreed that this week was full of baby steps in the right direction. Each day (especially the mornings) Devin was more positive about going to school. She's always happy at pick-up and tells us (in her own time) some amazing things she's learning at school. Friday was her best day yet, with the teacher reporting "zero tears" and a very engaged, helpful Devin.

Guess who won our chart contest? Devin, fair and square!

But, the mornings are still tough. We still struggle with tummy aches, glum faces and getting her to eat some breakfast at 7:00 am. I've been talking with other Mom's and discovering a few things that help. I try to have a small activity set up and waiting for her when we come downstairs in the morning. Sometimes, we make a bracelet. Sometimes, we draw picture or work a puzzle. But, it helps to keep her mind focused on something. We've also tried some short meditations and visualizations about her mornings. I ask her to close her eyes and picture the car pool line...and her classroom. And, we go through the "perfect" morning. One where she smiles and says hello to the children and adults that greet her by name.

In the afternoons, it's very important for us to reconnect and spend time together. This seems to help with separating the next day. I try to have all my tennis played and chores done, by we can hang out. But, she also likes some alone time I've noticed.

Here's a "craft" she worked on happily for over an hour.


Just getting to Friday is cause for celebration around here, so off we went to a nearby gastropub.

After a good (albeit expensive) dinner, we walked to the park.

It's so good to have our happy girl back!







1 comment:

Erin said...

precious swinging pictures. so glad to hear everything is going better!