Sunday, September 11, 2011

Relishing the Weekend

It's becoming apparent that the #1 adjustment to our new schedule is...the new schedule. Now, I'm a early-bird for sure. I love to be up before everyone. It makes me feel like I can get ahead somehow. But, the 8:00 am start time for Devin is a toughie. I usually have to wake her up at 6:45, so we have enough time to gently rise, eat breakfast and get ready for the day.

Some days are easier than others. Friday was a difficult day. Devin dug her heels in about going to school that morning...and it was not pretty. But, we got through it and she apparently calmed right down and had a great day. One challenge we discovered this week was her first ear infection. She never had a fever, but started complaining about ear pain. The Dr. said it was mild and the ear drops cleared it right up.

Love how she saves the drama for her mama.

So, we relish the weekends.

We basked in the sun today.

This week called for a little treat, Corbett's.

Could a front porch look any more welcoming?

Devin loves the food and always searches the grounds for the Corbett's "ghost."

The night's Amuse Bouche was a Pulled Pork on Costini. Look how they got that awesome smoky flavor.



"Statue of Liberty."


The sideways bottom tooth fell out tonight:) What a grin.


Since becoming a parent, I've eaten many of my words and I'm doing it again. (I vowed to never to sticker charts/rewards etc...) We're having a family contest this week, to see if we can encourage some positive behavior in the whole family:) The winner gets a prize and Devin was really into the idea, when I floated it Sunday morning. She wanted to work on the charts right away and has been talking about how we will all earn our checks.

Everyone has something to work on...I'm also not drinking wine during the week and being more patient with Devin.

We spent most of the weekend outside, working in the garden. It was beautiful and refreshing...we needed the outside time!

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