Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Countdown

As expected, the summer is flying by. Dev starts school in 4 weeks. It's so hard to believe it's here. How could 5 years have passed so quickly? When I watch her, there's almost nothing "baby" about her. But, she was just so little. And, now she's....not little. In fact, she's grown a bit taller this summer and certainly stronger.


I'm feeling so good about our school choice. I guess only time will tell how she adapts, but I know this is a wonderful place has amazing potential for Dev. It's interesting in the first 5 years of life, how everyone tells you not to worry about development. Whether it's sitting up, walking, talking, etc...all Dr.'s and books say, don't worry....each child develops in their own way. As long as they achieve the milestone within the wide range of time, no worries. So, why does that suddenly change at 5 years old? Why are most kids then expected to sit in a classroom and learn the exact same way at the same time?


So for now, we spend the days swimming, going to the library, gardening and staying inside when it's 100+ degrees. See this box:

Don't tell anyone, but he password is, "Secretminity."

(And, no these aren't more extensions! Just clip ons)

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