The peds office got us in right away...we were the first to be seen after lunch. Poor Dev was so out of it, she didn't seem to care we were going to the Dr.
Matt met us in the parking lot and carried her in. I'm thankful for the small empty "sick" waiting room. I
hate going to the sick side of the office. We don't touch anything and I take shallow breaths, so as not to inhale the germs. (Something I've done for over a decade as a professional waiting room person) I swear, it helps.
At check in, Dev was 32 lbs fully clothed, 102.4 degrees and 97% pulse ox.
Our luck ran out. Our treatment room was adjacent to a 2.5 year old getting stitches.
Twice. He pulled out the 1st set.
Matt and I talked about
anything and everything to try and mask the screams of agony and "MAMA" with the frustrated Dr. and parents. (They were having to restrain the child) It took everything I had not to burst into tears, listening to a child plead for Mama. (I'm on 3 hours of sleep) We eavesdropped like mad, apparently Mama wasn't there.
We overheard the Dr. say it was the single worst stitch experience in her 30 year career. And we got to semi-witness it!! Why can't I win the lottery?
We had 45 minutes of quality family time waiting for the Dr. And, shocker...she's got croup.
She prescribed a common steroid (Prednisone) liquid, a 3-Day course. Just to stay consistent, it took 3 hours, 2 pharmacies and help from Mom to get the rx home.
It said take with food. Dev's running a 103 fever. She ate a cracker, took the medicine and promptly puked everything up 15 minutes later.
She's finally resting semi-comfortably and kept down another dose of the steroid. I'm really hoping it helps. It's the precise medicine our cat takes for all her breathing, itchy, autoimmune problems and it works like a miracle drug. Fingers crossed for the same result with Dev.