Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Bring On Summer!

There's nothing like a 90 degree day to remind us that summer is here! After a trip to the garden and park, we got back in my car and she says, "Whew! It's freakin' hot!"

Ahhhh. My little parrot.

Dev's regular preschool year ended yesterday and we said our goodbyes to Miss Noelle and Miss Irene. She was with these teachers in her 2 day, 2's and 3 day 3's...so it will be interesting to see how she adjusts to all the "new." Last night, we visited the school for a Summer Camp orientation. We're thrilled she will have Miss Mary Pat & (hopefully) Miss Cindy for the summer sessions. Plus, they're in a wonderful room and Devin was HAPPY. It's so nice to have her run off from me to play when she saw her friends. She even gets to go on the big school bus for field trips this summer. (Although she was concerned the bus would be "too loud")

Devin's love of all things Princess led to me to purchase this DVD:


It's perfect for Devin...all Princess, NO villains. It's hilarious actually. It's title should be, "Disney Responds To Its' Princess Critics and Shows Princesses Can Actually Do Something With Their Lives."

But, they went with, "Follow Your Dreams."

You see, Princess Aurora is left the keys to the kingdom and she's IN CHARGE while her Dad goes to a conference. While away, she's faced with tasks like:

-Signing important documents. She actually talks about not wanting to sign something she hasn't read. Smart girl:)

-Dealing with villager's grievances.

-Not cutting corners to get the job done

-No Prince rescues her...she figures it out all on her own. Amazing!

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