Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Kentucky State Fair 2009

We skipped 2008 KSF. I think it was just. to. hot. What a summer we've had in Kentucky. Highs in the upper 70's, plenty of rain and just enough sunshine:)

This was our trip to KSF 2007.

I admit. It makes me so teary:(

Ok. I've gathered myself for the 2009 visit:

39" Tall. And I wasn't going to push it.

But, there were so many rides for her...we had to limit it to about 8. Unfortunately, I was being super lazy about picture taking. It's hard to live without my rented lens:(

She eventually (and decisively) chose a white, blow-up pony.

My little daredevil was eager to try to roller coaster. Let me say...this was the real deal for someone her size. The G-Forces were enough to lift her 34 lb body up and around that seat. My pictures are proof she was having fun...as soon as the ride started, I wasn't so sure she was going to like it.

Thankfully, at the last second, a little girl jumped on and chose (on her own accord) to sit right next to Devin. Nobody else on the ride!




Meet Spoonman.

Devin loved it!

Us? Not so much. I could only tolerate 10 minutes and we made a graceful escape.

It's a "real lady."

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